Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Shi Shi Mai Festival 2010

The Shi Shi Mai Festival turned out to be one of our favorite festivals on island! Sean loved watching the "lions" dance and play on the stage! 

Just a little info on the Shi Shi in Japan:

The Japanese lion consists of a wooden, lacquered head called a "shishi-gashira" (lit. Lion Head), and a characteristic body of green dyed cloth with white designs. It can be manipulated by a single person, or two people, one who manipulates the head. As with Chinese lions, the make of the head and designs on the body will differ from region to region, and even from school to school.

In Okinawa, a similar dance exists, though the lion there is considered to be a legendary shisa. The heads, bodies and behavior of the shisa in the dance are quite different than the shishi on mainland Japan. Instead of dancing to the sounds of flutes and drums, the Okinawan shisa dance is often performed to folk songs played with the sanshin.

Legend has it the Shi Shi lion lived on a mountain in what is now Uruma City, and that they were instrumental in keeping devils away and protecting the community.

Martial Arts Demonstrations!

Lots of Festival Food!

Jeremiah giving his biggest lion roar! HA!

Lizz and Reanna 

Kiddos Roughing Around. 

Ava looking at the funny Japanese man playing Peek A Boo with her. LOL!

The Shi Shi Lions roll around and play with "doggy" toys. It's pretty funny to watch. They actually had a pretty raunchy mating dance also. I covered Sean's eyes. :D

AHHHHH Jeremiah is getting eaten! 

Geisha Dancers!

Reanna giving a little Japanese kid thier first kiss! HAHAHA!!

The Dancers and Shi Shi Lions!

It was a great night with friends and the festival was pretty awesome! Can't wait until next year when I'll have two boys that are able to run around! Kyle and Daddy stayed home this time. 

1 comment:

  1. Aloha from Honolulu!
    I was curious if you would happen to know what village one of the lions in your pictures came from. The Hawaii United Okinawa Association has an identical shishi that I use. It was donated by a family long ago but no one knows the origin and thought it was an original design until I saw your picture. 1st pic-headshot and 2nd to the last pic above with rainbow body. Please contact me if possible at
