Sunday, July 25, 2010

More Playdates, More great fun!

Im seriously going to miss these playgrounds and parks when we get back to the states. There are so many parks here and each one is unique! This week we went to the Yamauchi Park, which sports a train rollerslide! Cute! Im also going to miss the rollerslides! They are some serious fun!

We LOVE rollerslides! Cardboard is usually a must though. It can seriously hurt your butt! :)

Kyle is having some teething issues. Everything MUST be bitten.

That is one of the infamous Drop Slides. Freaky stuff, I'd never go on that. Sean's terrified of it too. Just like Mama.

Xander is getting much bigger!

This is Bob. Or Bobette. Not sure. He/She is always there when we get to the park though! Doesn't seem to mind all the kids!

Introducing the newest member of MOMS Club of Okinawa! Prepare for alot of these! :)

Baby Milo Allen
June 25, 2010 8:46pm
8lbs 2oz, 20in

Congrats to the Allens! He is a cutie!!

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