Monday, May 3, 2010

Our first Bullfight!

Sean and I had another Mommy and Me date. We went to the Ishikawa Bullfighting Arena to see some bullfights. I know what you're thinking. Why the heck would I take an almost 2 year old to a gory bull fight? Don't freak out, we barely saw any blood. Unlike Spain, Okinawan bullfighting are relatively tame. The bulls are attached to ropes that thier trainers hold onto the entire time they are locking horns, encouraging them. I don't know how they score points or anything, but I know that if one of the bulls gave up and ran, the other one obviously won. We left an hour early, since it's Golden Week, thinking we'd have to beat the crowd, but after sitting there for an hour beforehand, it didn't fill up that much.

There was a nice opening ceremony. A cute children's baseball team announced the fighters, Im guessing and there were a couple singers that were fairly good. Then came the fighting.

The winning bull's owner's child gets to sit on thier back for pictures after the fight.

This was the only blood we saw the entire time. The bull on the right's outer sheath of his horn was knocked off, kind of like pulling off a fingernail, but it didn't seem to bother him. He won :)

These guys didn't want to fight, so after walking around the arena for a couple minutes, they brought them back out.

This was usually how the fight was won. One bull ran away.

After all ten pairs fought, everyone from the stands came down into the arena to take pictures with the bulls and congratulate the winners.

They take good care of these bulls. I've seen them walking down the street with them. I can see it now. Instead of taking the dog for a walk, they take the bull HAHA!

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